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Grocery Tip: Organic Vs. Conventional Produce

The 2023 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 are here!

Each year, The Environmental Working Group compiles these lists based on testing data from the USDA and the FDA. The USDA peels or scrubs and washes produce samples before testing, whereas the FDA only removes dirt before testing its samples. Even after these steps, the tests still find traces 251 different pesticides**. Fruits and Vegetables are staples of a healthy diet, so for those looking to decrease their pesticide exposure, these lists are a great guide when grocery shopping.

The Problem with pesticides

Pesticides by nature are meant to kill living organisms like plants and insects.

The Dirty Dozen is a list of 12 fruits and vegetables that had the highest level of pesticides during testing. These are items that should be purchased organic when possible to minimize your pesticide exposure! Pesticides pose health dangers to people, too, including cancer, hormone disruption, and brain and nervous system toxicity. These hazards have been confirmed by independent scientists, physicians, and U.S. and international government agencies.

The Clean 15 is a list of 15 fruits and vegetables that are ok to purchase conventionally. If organic options are not available or you are looking to save on produce the conventional versions of these is a good alternative.

In addition to the Clean 15, I’ve included another graphic with previous members of the Clean 15 that I also comfortably purchase conventionally. These are all items that are typically peeled, so you are not ingesting the pesticide residue that is on the outside of the fruit.

As always eating any produce is better than eating none! Locally grown produce is a great way to save and support your local farmers. Frozen produce is also a great option when looking to save on groceries.

The Dirty Dozen:

1. Strawberries  
2. Spinach  
3. Kale, collard, and mustard greens  
4. Peaches  
5. Pears  
6. Nectarines  
7. Apples  
8. Grapes  
9. Bell and hot Peppers  
10. Cherries  
11. Blueberries  
12. Green Beans  

The Clean 15

1. Avocados  
2. Sweet corn*  
3. Pineapple  
4. Onions  
5. Papaya*  
6. Sweet peas (frozen)  
7. Asparagus  
8. Honeydew melon  
9. Kiwi  
10. Cabbage  
11. Mushrooms  
12. Mangoes  
13. Sweet Potatoes  
14. Watermelon  
15. Carrots  

Additional Produce that you can purchase conventionally: Any citrus fruits or items that have a thick peel. This way you are not ingesting the pesticides on the outside of the fruit!

Save this post to help you when grocery shopping!!