SUNDAY SWAP : Food storage BAGS

Single-use food storage plastic bags are a modern convenience with a steep price. Instead of investing in high quality goods that will last, we have turned to convenience at the cost of our environment and health. This week I’m sharing my favorite swaps for plastic bags.

Sustainable silicone bags for non toxic food storage

The Problem with Plastic Bags: The Enviornment

Plastics are are wreaking havoc on the environment and our health. 91% of all plastics are not recycled and plastic bags are even more difficult to recycle because they are small and not widely accepted at recycling centers. Instead of being recycled, plastic bags are left in landfills or in the environment.

Plastics do not biodegrade (break down) , instead they break into small pieces known as micro plastics - which are microscopic fragments of plastics that are infiltrating our water supply, are killing our wildlife and ultimately enter our bodies.

YOur Health

Plastic bags have historically been produced with PVC (polyvinyl chloride) containing phthalates that give plastic its flexibility. However, PVC was banned from use in plastic bags and plastic wrap in 2006. Now, most are made with alternative plastics that are equally as toxic and contain phthalates as well as a chemical known as DHEA or diethylhexyl adipate. These chemicals are known endocrine disruptors meaning they cause hormonal imbalances that lead to reproductive issues and fertility issues including low sperm count in men.

Plastic bags are yet anoteher opportunity for these chemicals to leach into your food. When exposed to acidic foods, the plastic bags actually start to break up into microplastics. These micro plastics are toxic and can invoke immune and stress responses in the body as well as create reproductive and developmental toxicity.

THe Solution

The best thing you can do for your health and the environment is to stop using plastic bags. There are so many great alternatives to plastic bags available at Target or your local grocery store. Eliminating plastic in your home is one of the best investments you can make for your health.

NON-toxic & Sustainable Swaps for Plastic Bags

  1. Stasher Bags

    Stasher bags are silicone storage bags that come in a variety of sizes and colors. They are microwave, dishwasher, and freezer safe and are non-toxic! I love to use these for freezing fruit for smoothies or use them to store my toiletries when I travel. They are safer for our bodies and the environment.

    Click here for 20% off your first order!

  2. Paper Sandwich and Snack Bags

    Paper bags are a great option for food storage. Great for sandwiches or snacks and reduce plastic waste.
    Lunchskins is a great brand available at Target or on Amazon!




Sunday Swap : Clean Deodorant